Saturday 1 December 2012

Caching in the Mud and Ice!

Brrrrrr. Bit chilly today wasn't it! My first job this morning was waking Scott up so he could take me out

My field was all frosty and white this morning for my walk. It made my feet quite cold!

I wasn't sure it was a good idea when Dad suggested we went for a walk in a forest this afternoon as it was cold and windy and raining!!!

The rain stopped though and there was even a hint of blue sky so Mum put my harness on and off we went in the car!

The forest we went to was Hatfield Forest. It's a beautiful National Trust property near Stansted - a huge place to explore and, of course, there are caches hidden there! Lots of planes flew over while we were there

Some are hidden by the National Trust Elves and some are independant. There were too many to do in one day so we just had a wander round to see what we could find. Some were fairly quick finds - some are maybe too well hidden for us!

This bit of the forest has been cleared recently to be the forest meadow it would have been when Henry VIII used this as a hunting ground. Mum says you can often see herds of deer around the forest but I didn't see any although I jumped up and down and ran around a lot

It had rained so much that a lot of the paths were very muddy but it had been very cold so a lot of the puddles had really hard, cold water on top of them. I thought it was very strange and needed checking

It was starting to get dark when we got back to the car. A bit of a shame as the little cafe was shut so no chips for Mum!

There was only one thing left to do when we got home!