Sunday 30 September 2012

Caching Catch-Up!

Goodness Gracious - what a long time since I wrote anything on this blog!

I do apologise. The summer seemed to go in a haze of Olympics and ferrying boys to and fro and Mum didn't have any time to help me with my blog!

I even had to go into work to help her out one day!

Now she's gone and bought a new lap top-a-ma-jig and said she had to install all this new stuff before she could help me

We had lots of fun over the summer

Mum got to go up to the Paralympics with her friend Alison. They got to watch the Wheelchair Tennis and had an amazing day! The Olympic park sound like a wonderful place. I wonder if I will be able to go there one day!
We had a great day out caching in Thetford Forest with all our friends. Bit of a twisted route home but it gave my little paws a chance to recover in the car!

We wetn for another  lovely walk today. We had to go on a bit of a twisted route today as well

Dad wanted to do the circuit round Hartest but he wanted to do the 11th cache as his eighth of the day so that it would be his 1500th altogether! I hope you understand  cos all I know is it meant we had to walk up the road and down the road. Across the field and back to the start and down the hill and up the hill!!!

Two DNF's did not help but in the end we made it!

Here's Dad, Ryan and Scott at his 1500th cache! Mum went down to look too but it was not designed for four-pawed cachers so I waited at the top!

We had to wait for this big bit of machinery to pass on the way home

We stopped a few times on the way home too so Ryan and Scott could climb some trees. The things these cachers do! It's lucky Mum isn't there to see them all the time!