Thursday 21 June 2012

A Bimble around Broomfield and other adventures!

Last weekend, the weather here actually wasn’t horrible so Mum, Dad, Scott and I set off for a Bimble around the fields near Broomfield to add to my collection of caches

Dad said it would be a short walk, suitable for my little legs, but it turns out a Bimble is really a very long walk!! I was quite worn out by the end – especially as I did take a bit of a detour on my own!

I thought Mum and Dad were right behind me when I ran up to the end of the field but they had stopped at the gate! I did have a very funny feeling in my tummy when I realised I couldn’t see anyone so I turned round and ran straight back again! Luckily, I found Mum and stayed very close to her and Scott for the rest of the walk!

The next day, we went to Go Outdoors which is really a big shop and very much indoors! How strange!! Any shop that has a bowl of water and some dog biscuits by the front door is all right by me though!

We went to see my cousin Talli on the way home and my other Nanny and Grandad and Neil, Milly and Morgan. I’m not sure Talli was very pleased to see me – she is a Jack Russell who has lived as an only dog for a long while and is not used to having bouncy puppies around but Grandad was and it was Fathers Day so I suppose that was all good!

School again on Monday!  I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it but I had to sit in this room with all these dogs I don’t know and I wasn’t allowed to go and get to know them so I got a bit cross and had a bit of a tantrum! The teacher really told me off! Next week, Mum says we’ll go early and have a nice walk before the class starts. Maybe that will make me enjoy it a bit more.

Friday 15 June 2012

School and Playtime!

This week, I have been mostly doing new things!

Monday was a bit of an adventure!

I thought it was about time to start getting my tea ready but Mum had other ideas!

She popped me in my car carrier and took me off in the car. I didn’t think it was very nice night for a walk as it was pouring with rain but I didn’t like to argue.

I thought we had got where we were going when Mum took me out of our car but then she put me in another car and this one had a strange dog in.

We drove on a bit then we got out at a very strange place. There was a big field that looked like it might be fun to explore if it was dry but we went into a tatty sort of building that was full of dogs!

Mum said this was School and I was here to learn some manners. I showed her how good I was at barking nice loud hellos to the other dogs but that didn’t seem to be what she wanted. I didn’t bark too loudly at the big dog with the blue eyes though. He was so much bigger than me I thought I’d better be very polite.

A lady – the Teacher – told us lots about the School and what we would be doing then she chose me to be the first to demonstrate how well behaved I was – I think!!! Unfortunately I needed an urgent toilet break so Mum had to take me out in the rain very quickly!

Then we came back in and did a bit of walking around. Well, I can do that easily – run as far as you can til the lead goes tight then do a meercat impersonation!!  Teacher said that wasn’t right though so I’m going to have to take Mum out for lots of walks to practise. After we’d all walked around the room, we went home!

All very strange and now Mum keeps talking about me learning how to behave. I think we’re going back next week so I’ll see what happens then.

On Wednesday, Mum took me out for a lovely walk along an old railway line with Nanny and our friend Lindsey. There was loads to sniff and explore and I met lots of new dogs while Mum and Nanny met lots of old friends!

Best of all, when we got back to Old Station Cafe where they have the water bowl and biscuit tin, I met 3 other Mini Schnauzers!!! My black and silver cousins were very friendly and very handsome and very good at tricks! I hope I’ll see them again sometime soon

Today was Dad’s birthday so I gave him lots of special licks and took him for a nice long walk across the fields!

Sunday 10 June 2012

A Jubilant Jubilee!!

I’ve been trying to write this for a week but the lappy toppy thingy was playing up so I had to wait for a new chew toy  power cable to be delivered

At last I can tell you how much I enjoyed my celebration weekend - a Jubilee just for me!  I didn’t know they were going to hold so many events just to celebrate me but it was great fun!

First of all Poppy over the Road and her human Sue held a lovely party for all our friends. Haggis and Misty were there along with lots of Humans – big ones and small ones. Haggis and Poppy are very friendly and Misty is nice to me as long as I don’t try to play with her ball! We all had to wear red, white and blue. Not sure why exactly but I tried my best to look smart for the occasion.

There were lots of pictures of a very kind looking lady in a sparkly hat on flags all over the place. They said it was her special weekend too and she was a diamond lady! That’s ok. I don’t mind sharing my special weekend at all

I really can’t understand why people don’t want me to sit on their laps while they are eating though! The little glass bowls of drink they stood on the ground were very tasty!

Next day, Nanny and Granddad had a party too. I think Granddad hoped to have a barbeque but the weather was not very nice so my cousin Alfie and me kept all the Humans entertained indoors with lots of games of chase and catch Alfie’s tail!

I saw the kind lady again! She was on a big boat with some other people and there were lots of other boats on a big river. All the humans spent ages watching the boats but Alfie and Me went in the garden to play – much more fun!

On Monday, the whole village turned out and held a fete to celebrate my special weekend. Mum said it wasn’t the right time for me to make my debut at the dog show – I heard her use the phrase “asking for trouble” but I can’t think what she meant!

I enjoyed walking round meeting lots of new friends and sitting near the barbeque at the Bell was very nice!!!

Dad says I can’t tell you where we went on Tuesday! There were woods and ponds and a meadow and we looked at lots of trees with holes in and bridges and all sorts of interesting places! I expect he’ll tell you more about that soon!

So that was the Jubilee weekend that was laid on just for me!! I did enjoy it. I hope they have another one soon!

Ps. Mum has just told me that the weekend was not for me at all. The whole thing was for the kind-looking lady in the sparkly hat who is really The Queen!! Not sure about that at all. After all, why call it a Jubilee if it wasn’t for a handsome Miniature Schnauzer whose official name is Jubilant Jubaea!!!